Victor Elkonin was born in Malaya Perestchepina, Ukraine.
He received his education in the legendary VHUTEMAS – an artistic workshop created by the Soviet government to advance artistic talents of young Soviet artists. There, Elkonin took classes from such luminaries as Istomin, Bruni and Favorsky.
In 1930, Elkonin joined the “Chetire Iskuustva”, an artistic union of the former members of “Mir Iskusstva” and “Golubaya Roza”. There, Elkonin collaborated with such renowned artists as Mukhina, Ostroumova –Lebedeva and Petrov-Vodkin.
Died in 1993 in Moscow.
Elkonin rose to official artistic recognition as mural artist and book illustrator.
Together with his wife, Elkonin created a number of impressive murals dedicated to the achievements of the Soviet authority.
In his oils, Elkonin largerly draws on traditions of the Russian avant-garde. However, as the present lot demonstrates, they bear a touch of moralistic monumentality.
Academician, former Chair of Art Department of Academy of Architecture of USSR.
Widely exhibited in the former Soviet Union.